74. 티아레
2011-03-30 03:37 (수) |
Susan: What is this about you never getting married?
Julie: Why would I?
If there's one thing I've learned from your experience, marriage is a joke.
Susan: Hey, I believe in marriage.
Julie: Why?
First there was dad, who left you for his secretary, and then Mike...
He was the love of your life, and it still went to hell.
I mean, honestly... Just tell me what the upside is.
Susan: Oh, Julie, you're way too young to be this cynical.
Julie: I am not cynical. I'm realistic.
I'm... I'm just trying y to protect myself.
Susan: Well, putting a wall around your heart doesn't protect you.
It just keeps people out. I learned that the hard way.
Now, with Jackson... I remember that I like feeling hopeful.
I like believing in "happily ever after."
I really wish that you felt that way, too.
- A talk between Susan and her daughter, Julie from Desperate Housewives 508 -
73. 티아레
2011-01-07 00:11 (금) |
Take it one at a time.
72. 티아레
2010-11-22 08:09 (월) |
"Yes, I remember the world. Every detail.
And what I remember most is how afraid I was. What a waste.
You see, to live in fear is not to live at all.
I wish I could tell this to those I left behind, but would it do any good?
Probably not.
I understand now there will always be those who face their fears,
and there will always be those who run away."
- An excerpt from Desperate Housewives 103 -
71. 티아레
2010-11-12 15:29 (금) |
나 자신의 인간 가치를 결정짓는 것은
내가 얼마나 높은 사회적 지위나 명예 또는
얼마나 많은 재산을 갖고 있는가가 아니라,
나 자신의 영혼과 얼마나 일치되어 있는가이다.
- 법정/ <홀로 사는 즐거움> 에서 -
70. 티아레
2010-11-12 15:26 (금) |
Another language is another soul.
- Charles V -