Eros has often been further narrowed in our time to the merely erotic. Defined elementally, eros is the desire for connection. Surely sexuality may be subsumed under that motive, but eros is richly differentiated and may be found in many venues. As he is a god, divine Eros is always present, at least implicitly, when connection is sought, though the god himself may be forgotten, ignored, violated, trivialized or, paradoxically, adored. Music is erotic; prayer is erotic; violence is erotic; language is erotic... the permutations are infinite because the gods are infinite.
To designate such diverse human activities as "erotic" may seem strange, even as the invocation of a deity may seem strange to the modern sensibility. But the ancients had it right - where there is depth, there is also the divine. Where the gods are is where meaning may be experienced. What the gods most ask of us is that we attend them, that is, bear conscious witness to their energies, of which their forms are but the material husk. If we do not serve that depth energy which a god represents in whatever erotic act, then we have violated something profound.
Once the dream-time in the Garden is truncated, the shock of separation is so systemic, so seismic, that it remains imprinted on the neurological pathways, abiding in the unconscious as lost connectedness. It is no accident that the primary motive, the hidden agenda in any relationship, is the yearning to return. It is the Eden project, the professed aim of the Romantic poets, the yearning for the Beloved. It is essentially a religious search, as attested to by the etymology of the word "religion" from Latin religare, to tie back to, reconnect with.
Consciousness is achieved only through the loss of the Other, and the perception that the Other is truly Other.
Jung compared the cost of consciousness with a Promethean burden - the illuminating fire is stolen, but at a price paid in blood.
One does not come to such recognitions easily, without having suffered failure, shame, rage or humiliation. But in such dreary states may be found the beginning of insight into oneself, without which no lasting relationship may be achieved.
Who among us can ever know ourselves well enough to be capable of agape, an expression of what we might oxymoronically call "disinterested love," that is, love wholly invested in the well-being of the Other, without the shadow of self-interest cruising beneath the surface like a surly shark?
The quality of all of our relationships is a direct function of our relationship to ourselves.
The best thing we can do for our relationships with others, and with the transcendent, then, is to render our relationship to ourselves more conscious.
어제오늘 이상하게 환자가 많다 ㅋ. 난 휴게소 의원에 빠졌다. 요한이가 큰 도움을 준다. 과연 과슴떨리는 오픈을 할 수 있을까? 안성,마장 투어을 해봐야겠다.세금도 마무리하고 다사다난한 오월이 가고 있다. 성모성월 오월을 앞으로는 더 화사하고 평화롭게 맞이하고 싶다.
the enlargement of soul,
relinquishment of false identities,
unburdening of relationships,
and the recovery of personal integrity.
The adaptive personality never feels right.
A sense of the rightness of one's journey
with or without the agreement of others.
What is true for me?
I am the carrier of nature.
The enemy and therefore the deliverer, as well is within.
What is wrong in my life is in me;
What is repetitively wounding is in me;
What is healing in my life is in me.
2013,05.20 (월) 강신주 몸.벙커강연
나에게 맞는 책을 찾으려면 백권의 책을 읽어야하고
나에게 맞는 그림을 보려면 백번의 그림을 봐야한다.
최선이라고 집중하는 경험이 열번이상 직면했을때 경험이다. 진지란 뜨거운지 차가운지 잡아보는 경험이다. 흉터가 다 나으면 뜨거운 걸 잡아도 덜 뜨겁다. 이것이 경험이다.
사랑이 하나의 꽃이라면 꽃이 항상 피어있는건 아니다. 가족이 있고 남편이 있고 아이가 있는건 어떤 틀에 잡혀 있는것이다. 잘 살려면 타인을 의식하면 안된다. 니체<선악을넘어서> 선과 악을 넘어가겠다.
굿 과 에빌 (선과 악) 내가 말한 선악을 따라야 행복이다.
자기 감정을 어기고 사는 사람은 불행하다.
우리는 그것을 배려라고 착각한다.
2013,05.06(월) 나래가 퇴직을 선언했다. 엄마가 편찮으시고 동생을 돌봐줘야 하는 것이 이유다.
그동안 힘들었던 고충을 고백하기도 하고. 남아 있을 정재를 걱정하기도했다. 소영이를 보낼때와의 마음이 다른건 역시 내가 담고 있었던 애정의 차이였던것일까? 상사로서든.어른으로서든.,,참
성숙하지 못한 비겁한 모습이 아닐 수 없다.
2013.05,08(수) 사장님 생신. 직원들이 각출하여 여름 티셔츠를 샀다. 하늘책에 체크. 정성스레 쓴 카드와 과일과 케익이 있는 조촐한 생파. 직원들이 모두 잘 협조해주어 기분좋은 이벤트가 되었다. 사장님도 기뻐하신듯^^
2013.05.10(금) BS 통신 정산금을 계좌번호 오류건으로 잘못 송금되었다는 사실을 알았을때의 당황스러움이란... 예금주를 확인하지 못한 나의 실수이니 누구를탓하겠는가. 기업은행에서 반환청구를했는데 소식이 일주일이 되어가도록 없다. 우리은행차장님께 개인적으로 부탁은 드렸으나...연락이 없기는 거기도 마찬가지다. 답답하다.